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We are actively looking for volunteers to participate in JA BizTown! There are multiple volunteer dates available in Central Maryland. Please view the full calendar of opportunities below:

Click Here to View All Opportunities

JA BizTown is a simulated city where fourth through sixth graders experience hands-on workplace, business, and personal finance challenges. After a few weeks of in-classroom curriculum, students are selected for a job and spend a day at the JA facility taking on the role of a real-world professional. The fun, immersive atmosphere inspires teamwork, critical thinking, and decision-making skills for each student.

After participating in a comprehensive, in-school curriculum, students come to JA BizTown to get a taste of the real world of work through applied, hands-on learning. As a volunteer, you guide students through the day, offering your firsthand knowledge and expertise to enhance their experiences. Each day, a team of 15-20 volunteers helps students have a meaningful JA BizTown experience. JA staff are also on-site to lead the simulation. Online training is required prior to your JA BizTown visit. In addition, volunteers arrive early on simulation day for hands-on instruction.

Volunteer Requirements: Must be 16 or older
Have a valid government photo identification (We use the Raptor Technology system to read the volunteer’s driver’s license and compares that information to a sex offender database.)

  • Start Time
    February 14 - 9:15am
  • End Time
    February 14 - 2:30pm