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Chaney Cares is seeking up to 10 volunteers to assist with building a children’s playhouse that will be placed at a Habitat for Humanity Home.

The volunteer day will be held in Charles City, VA, and includes assembling precut lumber, plywood, and shingles to put together the playhouse. If we have time, we will also prime, paint, and decorate the playhouse before presenting it to the recipient family.


Volunteer Day – Habitat for Humanity

Sign up below...

Volunteer OpportunitiesTime CommitmentName
Volunteer OpportunitiesTime CommitmentName
Volunteer Day - Habitat for Humanity8:00 AM - 4:00 PM#1: Mimi M.
#2: Tremayne A.
#3: Valerie M.
#4: Jason M.
#5: Ladreaka G.
#6: Lee L.
#7: Otis C.
#8: Joseph D.
#9: Levi H.
  • Start Time
    November 10 - 8:00am
  • End Time
    November 10 - 4:00pm
  • Location
    2271 Roxbury Road
    Charles City, VA 23030
    + Google Map
<iframe title="Google maps iframe displaying the address to 2271 Roxbury Road Charles City, VA 23030" aria-label="Venue location map" width="100%" height="350px" frameborder="0" style="border:0" src="https://www.google.com/maps/embed/v1/place?key=AIzaSyDNsicAsP6-VuGtAb1O9riI3oc_NOb7IOU&q=2271+Roxbury+Road+Charles+City+VA+23030+&zoom=15" allowfullscreen> </iframe>